METRANS 386 011-1

This content was tested and the description by right of Trainz: A New Era. You can find the content on the following link:

Kuid: <kuid2:517519:3860111:1>
Author: yuz6099

For the proper working you must download the following contect from DLS:
|CJ| Corona - Dimmed Headlight (Cold white)<kuid2:404575:1870201002:11>cj187
|CJ| Corona - Dimmed Headlight (Warm White)<kuid2:404575:1870201004:11>cj187
|CJ| German train script library<kuid2:404575:1870103001:13>cj187
|CJ| Coupler-Library (Red)<kuid2:404575:1870104017:10>cj187
|CJ| Corona - Endsignal (Red)<kuid2:404575:1870201001:11>cj187
|CJ| Coupler-Library (White)<kuid2:404575:1870104019:10>cj187
|CJ| Corona - Full Headlight (Cold White)<kuid2:404575:1870201003:11>cj187
|CJ| Corona - Full Headlight (Warm White)<kuid2:404575:1870201005:11>cj187
|CJ| DSA-200 Pantograph Black<kuid2:404575:1870104015:10>cj187
|CJ| Traxx Bogey (new)<kuid2:404575:1870401006:10>cj187
|CJ| Traxx Bogeysound<kuid2:404575:1870406001:10>cj187
|CJ| Traxx BR185 Cab<kuid2:404575:1870402006:10>cj187
|CJ| Traxx Enginespec<kuid2:404575:1870405002:10>cj187
|CJ| Traxx Hornsound<kuid2:404575:1870406002:10>cj187
|CJ| Traxx Sound<kuid2:404575:1870406003:10>cj187

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