This content was tested and the description by right of Trainz: A New Era. You can find the content on the following link:

Packet contains:
Incandescent Whiteish Corona<kuid:103021:10100>lilb
SP GS-4 Engine with Booster<kuid2:103021:100084:1>lilb
SP 6 chime<kuid:103021:50000>lilb
Fuel Oil<kuid2:103021:60000:1>lilb
Green Corona<kuid:103021:10102>lilb
SP GS-4 Engine Daylight<kuid2:103021:100086:2>lilb
Incandescent Yellowish Corona<kuid:103021:10101>lilb
Red Corona<kuid:103021:10103>lilb
SP GS-4 Engine War Baby<kuid2:103021:100087:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Engine Daylight V3<kuid2:103021:100089:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Pilot Truck<kuid2:103021:100095:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Pilot Truck White Wall<kuid2:103021:100092:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Trailing Truck<kuid2:103021:100094:2>lilb
SP GS-4 Trailing Truck White Wall<kuid2:103021:100093:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Drivers<kuid2:103021:100096:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Drivers White Wall<kuid2:103021:100097:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Tender Daylight Prewar<kuid2:103021:100169:2>lilb
SP GS-4 Tender Truck<kuid2:103021:100170:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Tender Daylight Postwar<kuid2:103021:100172:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Tender Truck White Wall<kuid2:103021:100173:1>lilb
SP GS-4 Tender War Baby Big SP<kuid:103021:100271>lilb
SP GS-4 Tender War Baby Small SP<kuid:103021:100272>lilb

For the proper working you must download the following contect from DLS:
Incandescent Corona<kuid2:103021:10101:1>lilb
Bigsteam interior shell<kuid2:523:1035:1>auran

This content can use the next products:
Fuel oil Water

Other Southern Pacific:

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