KAS RZD Tanker ?00122001 experienced

This content was tested and the description by right of Trainz Simulator 2012. You can find the content on the following link:

Kuid: <kuid:771786:100171>
Author: leshyi1990

For the proper working you must download the following contect from DLS:xVg bogey sound #1(gondola) <kuid2:506034:18100:1> wearsprada
Freight cars sound library (xVg) <kuid:506034:100146> wearsprada
Bogey style 18-578 #1 (clean) <kuid2:506034:100108:3> wearsprada
reflection&tm library <kuid2:400260:81014:4> tram_
zagogulina nevidimaya <kuid2:506034:100145:2> wearsprada
SA3 library 3 <kuid2:400260:81015:5> tram_
Brake Wagons (laden plains) 94t <kuid2:400260:71008:10> tram_

This content can use the next products:

Aviation fuel Crude oil Diesel fuel Petrol fuel

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