M&SWJR 16 ''Galloping Alice'' - Black

This content was tested and the description by right of Trainz: A New Era. You can find the content on the following link:

Kuid: <kuid2:403746:2163:1>
Author: edh6

For the proper working you must download the following contect from DLS:
M&SWJR 2-6-0 Driving Bogie - Black<kuid2:403746:2164:1>edh6
M&SWJR 2-6-0 Front Bogie - Black<kuid:403746:2165>edh6
M&SWJR 16 Cab - Black<kuid2:403746:2166:1>edh6
M&SWJR 16 Tender - Black<kuid2:403746:2167:1>edh6
UK 3-axle Tender Enginespec<kuid:368699:50067>stovepipe
NBR Scott Class Names<kuid2:403746:1491:1>edh6
Tender Bogie - Black<kuid2:403746:1066:1>edh6
VR Coupler Mesh Library<kuid2:103475:60018:19>s301
LNER J36 Enginespec TS12 SP1+<kuid:248163:100481>2995valliant
FR High Pitch Whistle Sound<kuid:403746:422>edh6
Black Loco Lamp - Socket<kuid2:403746:814:3>edh6
AJS Superscript Code Library<kuid2:122285:508:21>andi06

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Coal Water

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